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Writer's picture: Jade ForderJade Forder

Updated: Mar 16, 2019

Ever had one of those moments in your life where everything seems crystal clear? The path ahead makes sense and you just want to run ahead and see what happens?

This is how I am feeling right now!

It doesn't happen very often, I know! So I am pretty excited to see what the Universe has in store for me this year.

It started with my sister in law adding me to a facebook group started by Tash Corbin called Heart-Centred, Soul-Driven Entrepreneurs. I sat back for a few weeks and soaked up some of the posts of people who seemed a little out of my league running their own businesses and making a shit tonne of money. The one thing that struck me was that they were doing business on their own terms, they were happy and they were killing it. They shared their business tips and want you to succeed too. So I thought what the hell and jumped on the band wagon. I started commenting and getting feedback and advice and suddenly realised that I wanted to come out of hiding and make a go of my passion and be a part of this awesome group of powerful, connected, positive women. I could do this. I know what I want and I am not afraid to ask for it!

"No more kicking back and waiting for things to happen, I am taking action and am going to make them happen!"

After doing a few webinars and short courses I nutted out a plan.

I am going to:

  • continue making and selling my art.

  • continue to teach art classes for kids and would like to add another class per week.

  • create a program and run art classes for busy mums.

  • down the track, do webinars and online courses.

The possibilities and learning are endless and that excites the hell out of me!

No more kicking back and waiting for things to happen, I am taking action and I am going to make them happen!

quote, life quote, creative abyss, #creative abyss
What Is Your Life's purpose


My purpose in life is to create and to share it with others whether that be selling my art or teaching it. I am a self taught mixed media artist, constantly learning new skills and sharing them, teaching kids' holiday workshops and giving private lessons. 


I stand for painting with all my heart and soul, pouring love into each one so it can be the best possible version. I paint for myself. I stand for growth and learning. 

I stand against painting for the masses.


My mission is for everyone to have something in their homes that they can connect with on an emotional level. When times are great or shit. Something beautiful to look at which inspires them, something calm to look at which quietens them, something perky that inspires them to take action, something inquisitive that they can mull over. People are so caught up in work, raising kids, the mundane tasks of life that we forget to take time out and check in with ourselves. Admiring art can help take time out and reconnect.

My mission teaching kids is for them to be creative without the restraints put on them at school to colour in the lines or colour in their tree green or the whole class reproducing the same thing.I want them to use their imaginations and feel empowered by what they do. I want to give them the skills to create something amazing wherever they are and not rely on expensive materials. I want them to learn that it is ok to make mistakes.

My mission teaching mums is to give them the time and space to be themselves and not have anyone dependent on them. Mums give so much of themselves and I want them to do something just for them. I want them to know they can create something from nothing. If times are tight they can create something amazing using their kids art supplies, junk mail, sticks etc to make something incredible that they can be proud of and do it all in a place of no judgement.

"I stand for painting with all my heart and soul, pouring love into each one so it can be the best possible version."

It is so nice to get over the self doubt and self sabotaging and just say

"Stuff it! What have I got to lose?".

I don't really have anything to lose. I have hurdles and costs but everything I do will help me grow and it will be nice to get out of my comfort zone. It is all trial and error.

I know I am on the right path.

Here are some questions. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

  • What is your purpose? Have you found it yet?

  • What has helped you to get over your self doubt?

  • What do you stand for?

  • Have you ever had a moment of clarity where you just know your path ahead is clear?


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