Hi Everyone, I thought I would let you know that so far, my holiday classes are still going forward.
Here is what I am doing to keep you safe:
I am a registered Covid Safe business with Service NSW
I am sticking to the 4m2 rule
Ensuring everyone is checked in
All materials are thoroughly wiped before and after class
The art space is thoroughly wiped down before and after class
I wear a mask in all classes
I am keeping up to date with ongoing restrictions via NSW Health
There are single use hand towels in the bathroom for each person if they need them
There is hand sanitiser at the door
Here is what you need to do to keep everyone safe:
Please do not attend if you are feeling unwell
Check in at the door using the Service NSW app
Sanitise your hands before entering
BYO drink bottle
Drop your kids at the door so I can keep to the 4m2 rule. I will bring them out once the class is done
Remind your kids of hand washing techniques if they need to wash their hands
If you are still thinking about booking into classes, there are only a couple of spots left in the Tuesday classes.
You can find out more info here:
I hope you have a safe and enjoyable holiday!