Hello everyone!
I am starting to wind down the admin side of things now so this will be the last big update for the year.
There seems to be sales and exhibitions at every turn and so much creativity happening! I love it!
Last month I entered 3 exhibitions (Bluethumb Art Prize, Blue Fringe Art Festival and Blue Mountains Artfest) which was a lot for me and I am happy I did it. It was the first time my son Moss had entered too and I was so proud of him. He is right into Manga and draws every spare second he has.
It was also the first time my student Lisa had entered and she won for her age group! The other students and I are so happy for her. Big congratulations Lisa!
Click here to have a look at the exhibition closing on the 28th. There is still time to purchase art until then.

Thank you to those who bought products in my Birthday Sale earlier this month!
Congratulations to anna@truespiritmala who one the prize pack in our give away. She received a Kendra print and 4 Not-Just-A-Greeting-Cards.
Right now there are 2 sales you should know about:
Bluethumb is having their annual sale where you can get 10-15% off artworks.
Bluethumb is Australia’s largest online art gallery connecting over 11,000 Australian artists with art buyers.
They offer free shipping and returns and Art Money if you want to pay in installments.
Click the image to view my art and others.
Redbubble is also having a 20-60% off everything sale.
I just added Scales-Petals-Love to my shop and she looks fabulous!
Click the image to take you to my designs. Click the one you like and pick your products.
This term has been fantastic!
I am running it a bit differently.
The kids had so much time off class during lockdown I decided to do something really special for them.
You may have seen from my social media posts that we have an Egyptian theme.
Each week we get comfy on the lounge and learn a part of Ancient Egyptian history.
So far we have looked at their burial process and beliefs around death and the after life, Tutankhamen, his tomb and other Pharaohs, hieroglyphics and symbols, the map, the Nile and produce.
We collaborated to make 2 life size sarcophagi. We used clay to write our name on a cartouche and drew ourselves as a Pharaoh.
Next week we are looking at sacred animals and will create an artwork with a cat.
These are the sarcophagi taped to trestle tables standing in my garden! Thank you to my partner Billy who is hiding behind one of the trestles holding it up. Haha.

If you would like to enroll for term 1 2022, please let me know by emailing me creative.abyss@yahoo.com.au. Classes run 4.10-5.10pm Tuesdays and Thursdays. If you want to know more, click here to see my Ts&Cs and previous programs to get an idea of what we do.
Last week...I think... my painting buddy Cindy couldn't make it so I had some fun playing with inks. Usually we do an online class or muck around and paint what we want.
I didn't want to create anything recognisable just something loose with abstract shapes.
I played around with black, red, yellow and blue inks using different brushes, a glass dip pen, the ends of my brushes,a gumnut to stamp with, painted collage paper, poscas, fineliners, and Conte pastel pencils.
They started out like this:
progressed to this:

and ended up like this:
Here are some close ups:
There is something very freeing about painting without intention.
Not to say it is easy. It is not. I got fed up with these at one point, I had no idea where they were going and went and sat outside for a while to take a break.
It is freeing just putting ink on the page and seeing what happens. No expectations, just trust.
In the end they reminded me of the bush. One looks like a swimming hole at night with the stars and some grevillea. The other one reminds me of a black cockatoo and banksias.
They will be in my shops in the next couple of days.
If you want to know more or would like them now, email me and let me know.
Lastly don't forget I have heaps of things to help you out with if you are stuck for Christmas presents. Gifts for littlies up to adults. Budgets from a $4 sticker on Redbubble to a $480 framed artwork.
Not-Just-A-Greeting-Cards which can be framed after use
Want to know where you can follow me online or get in touch?
Phew! I think that is about it.
I am off do do a course and do some accounting.
Wish me luck!