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Art classes for kids

Writer's picture: Jade ForderJade Forder

I refuse to let Covid get me down.

Students have dwindled and we have all had to adapt, business owners and consumers alike.

I am so happy to have had some students return to face to face, after school classes last month. It helped me to get out of the rut I felt like I was in.

I think I was feeling a bit knocked about because I had done so well business wise last year and had all these goals for this year. I was going to smash it. Not just money wise but creatively. I have so many ideas I need to get out there. Having all my face to face classes put on hold was a real set back to helping me achieve those goals. Having my first solo exhibition cancelled because the art gallery had to close down was another set back.

People have started to come out of the woodwork now, and I am feeling like I am getting back on my feet again.

I still have my goals like creating lots of e-courses for kids and adults, creating more art, selling more art, doing more business courses, continuing with my art journaling and busy mum's art classes and my Moon Phase Intention Circle.

The last couple of weeks, the kids in my classes have bean learning all about perspective. I just have to look at things differently too, and I know I will be able to reach my goals. Maybe not in the same time frame I had expected but I will do it.

Here are some of the amazing artworks from my students- my online kids and my face to face kids.

To be able to move ahead and keep my students and my family safe, I registered with Service NSW to be a Covid Safe business.

It means I have a checklist of things I need to do to keep my space and art supplies clean, I have minimised student numbers, I have new rules for parent drop off and pick up & new rules for kids playing before or after class.

Next week I have holiday art workshops for kids.

It is not too late to book.

I had a child swap days, so the previously booked out Leaf & Feather Wall Hanging workshop now has a spot free.

Click here to find out more and to book a spot for your child.


I have also just put up the program for term 3 after school classes - online and face to face kids.

Online kids meet via zoom at 4pm AEST on a Tuesday.

Face to face kids meet at my house in Winmalee, NSW at 4.10pm on a Thursday.

These classes are suitable for kids aged 5-13 years.

My aim for the kids is:

1. To give them the tools and confidence to create wherever they are. I want them to look around the house or whatever environment they are in and use what they have, not be dependent on expensive supplies.

2. For them to realise that everyone is different, we all have different ideas and skills. I want them to use their imagination and not copy from me or anyone else in the class. I show them a technique and they create their masterpiece. It is amazing how different ideas come out of the same lesson.

3. For them to not beat themselves up if it isn't going the way they had imagined. 

My motto is that "there are no mistakes in art, only happy surprises". If you make a mistake, you learn from it and you can always turn it into something else - often better than what you had originally planned.

My teaching style and art room:

My teaching style is laid back, although the kids know when it is art o'clock, it is time to sit down and do the lesson. If they are coming straight from school, they have afternoon tea and a quick run around in the yard together so are happy to come and sit.

I have a dedicated art space in my home in Winmalee which is in the middle of my house. It is a fun place that can get messy. I am not precious about my tools or paints or tables. I encourage talking, but respectfully when I have finished explaining the lesson and not over the top of others. The kids like to talk about their day and about what they are doing, and I prompt them for different ideas to get them thinking about their artwork. I don't do anything for them unless they are really struggling, and I can see that it is getting them down.

Click here to find out more and to book a spot for your child.

**The online kids can come at an arranged time to pick up any extra supplies you may not have at home like different coloured paper, wool, paddle pop sticks, buttons & beads.


Other classes available for kids are 1:1 classes which go for 1.5hrs. These are a great gift for a child. Just let me know what your special little person is interested in and I can tailor a lesson just for them.

Vouchers for these are available in my shop.

Another favourite are my "Connect With Me" classes.

I have one booked in for a mum and daughter as a 10th birthday present next week and I am really looking forward to it!

It is such an amazing way to create memories together, have fun, laugh together and learn together.

You can book for any adult and child. It is popular with grandparents too.

Don't let your fear of not being "arty" hold you back. I will help you over that hurdle. You will both have an artwork to bring home with you.

It really is a lovely way to spend an hour and a half with someone special and have no interruptions.


If you are interested in any of these classes, please book online or email me regarding the after school classes.

Don't forget to look at my previous blog regarding art classes for adults because hey! Why should the kids have all the fun?

If you are feeling in a rut too, why not set some intentions to help pull yourself out?

I would love to see your smiling faces in class.

I hope you are enjoying the school holidays.



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