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2023 Inspired & Ease

Writer's picture: Jade ForderJade Forder

Hello! Hello!

Welcome to a new year!

I thought I would jump online and give you an update on what has been happening and what the plans are for the year.

I always get excited at the prospect of a new year. It feels like a fresh start,

a good time to pause, reflect on the year that was, celebrate the wins and plan for the future.

I look forward to "signing off" at the end of each year and welcoming the new year.

  • I make time to review my business with Tash Corbin's Planning Posse group. This offers time to reflect on personal stuff too.

  • I then plan big stuff with her and break it down into quarters so I am not front loading everything

  • I do a big declutter of my space and put new energy into it.

  • I write my goals on my whiteboard above my desk

  • I come up with my boss anchor (my sparkly pencil case, Lunar journal and Heart Centred business planner). These get me into authentic girl boss mode.

  • I come up with my word and symbol for the year. These are on the wall right next to my computer and I look at them every day. These keep me grounded and hopeful.

  • I write a big list of intentions

EASE is my word for the year with a couple of reminders about my intentions for the year.

Last year was an absolute shitter mental health wise. I do not want to go through that again. There was lots of stuff too, but reflecting back on 2022, it was a rollercoaster!

This year, I am living with EASE. Adapting to change with EASE. Being successful with EASE. Being mentally and physically healthy with EASE. Attracting prosperity and abundance with EASE. Having fun with my family and friends with EASE. Saving money with EASE. Being recognised for my art with EASE. I want to refresh my routines, ways of thinking, refresh broken and old things around my house that frustrate me, all to help me live with EASE.

I chose the lotus or Egyptian Sesen (lotus) symbol as it represents birth and rebirth.

What I don't do is make New Year Resolutions that get forgotten after a couple of days and beat myself up about not reaching them.

I don't do any of it on the 1st Jan. I ease into it and give myself plenty of time.

I use the whole year to continue to set intentions, cross things out if I decide not to do them and tick things off as I achieve them.

Do you have a word or phrase for the year? i would love to hear yours.

So far people have told me "Flow", "Beat", "I choose and I choose it to be easy", "Refresh" and "Healing".


Usually, during the Christmas holidays I have about 2 weeks off. This year I decided to give myself a month off teaching kid's group holiday classes as well as feeling like I had to post to social media every day.

I have never done that before!

It felt so good!

Funnily enough, I had the most bookings for Connect With Me Classes I have ever had!

My social media posts felt more authentic.

I gave myself time to rest.

I spent a beautiful 10 days with my family and extended family in NZ. It was 3rd time's a charm for us with cancelled flights for the past couple of years, but we made it. It was a beautiful time for everyone.

I took the least amount of art supplies I had ever taken on holidays - my watercolours, 6 pencils, 6 poscas, lead pencil and a rubber. My lovely partner had gifted me 365 Days of Feel Good Art, which is a book of art prompts. Of course people see 365 days and freak out and stress if they miss a day, but my word is EASE remember? There is no one telling me I have to create every day. I do it for the love of it and to feel a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day. If I miss one... so what?

Oh, and I tied it in with the lovely Phoebe Gander's #31daysofcreativepractice which is a challenge she runs every Jan. Last year I committed to 7 days, this year I have done about 20 so far.

I love that the prompts can take 5 minutes or 30. It is not a big chunk out of your day. It is playful and fun.

Here is a little sampler of what I have done so far.

Definitely check out the book if you are interested!



Well as I said, Connect With Me, family classes have gone nuts. It was a goal in 2022 to promote these more. I did and it paid off. I have spent so many hours with you beautiful people. Lots of you hadn't painted since school and were a bit worried. By the end of it I could see the glint of proudness (is that even a word?) in your eyes. Your kids loved spending time with you and you all learn new skills and had art to hang on your walls.

I will be opening up my calendar to more Friday afternoons and weekends teaching these. Make sure you get in touch if you are interested.

These will get a refresher on my website this year with specific classes being offered or you can always give me ideas of what you'd like to do. I am hoping to get a calendar working too, so you can see upcoming available dates.

I look forward to spending many more hours with your family this year!

Don't forget you can use your Creative Kids voucher for these.

After school classes are booked out for this term, with a waiting list for next term.

I have added an extra 2 kids to each class as there is so much interest. I need a bigger space! Thank you to everyone who has booked or shown interest.

Adult classes will be scheduled soon. I feel like I need to wait for my boys to go back to school to have some breathing space to think more about these. I have one starting kindy, one starting year 7 and the eldest in year 10. It is going to be a big couple of weeks! Wish me luck!

I am definitely running the monthly art journaling classes. For those who want to delve a bit deeper, are interested in mixed media (paint, collage, pens etc) and want to build a little community, this is for you. Take a look at my youtube vid for more info about what exactly art journaling is. There are no rules! It is brilliant!

I am adding some one off classes too like Plants with a Twist and Faces with a twist.

Stay posted for these.

If you haven't been before, my classes are suitable for beginners. It is about the process, not necessarily the end result. I want you to feel relaxed and supported, especially if it has been a long time between brush strokes.

Classes is in my home and go for around 2 hours.

Get in touch if you are interested and I can let you know when they are running.

I also want to hear from you if there is a class you would like me to run. I am always open to ideas!


For those who are new to my business, I want to welcome you. I am looking forward to getting to know you more.

For those who have been here a while, I want to thank you.

I wish you all a year of abundance and happiness.



PS if you aren't following me yet, don't forget to find me here:

Redbubble - useable and wearable art

Bluethumb - Australia's biggest online art gallery


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